St. Brieux offers housing through Saskatchewan Housing Corporation. The St. Brieux Housing Authority manages a community based housing program committed to improve the quality of housing and enable clients to achieve or maintain independence. We currently operate and maintain 26 dwellings in St. Brieux. The portfolio consists of 12 one-bedroom unites designed primarily for seniors, and 14 Affordable Housing units (fixed rental rate).
Senior Housing
Senior Housing is offered to persons 55 years of age or over, and persons with physical disabilities who are able to live independently. Preference is given to persons with lower incomes and person who are living at risk.
Tenants living in Senior Housing pay a monthly rent geared to income. Incomes are reviewed on an annual basis to ensure the rental rate is fair. Tenants may request downward adjustments in the rent charged prior to the annual review if their income is reduced during the course of one year. The Housing Authority reviews these requests on an individual basis.
Affordable Housing
The Affordable Housing portfolio is a subsidized program, where the level of rent is fixed and not geared to income.
In addition, applicants must fulfill certain conditions in order to be considered for housing accommodation. Application forms are available at the Town Office, through the link below, or you may have one mailed to you by contacting the Housing Manager. Once your application is received, it will be reviewed at the monthly board meeting. You will be required to verify the facts you have provided on your application. Your response in providing information promptly and correctly will result in an efficient processing of your application.
Housing Application R-14A FILLABLE nov 2019
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors of the St. Brieux Housing Authority is mandated by Saskatchewan Housing Corporation (SHC) to provide management services to SHC for the purpose of administering, managing, operating, maintaining and performing leasing services with respect to housing projects in its community.
Board membership is recommended by a local selection committee made up of representatives of the provincial and municipal governments. Members are appointed by the minister responsible for Saskatchewan Housing Corporation.
Housing Manager: Pam Rohel
Phone: 306-921-5703
Box 382
St. Brieux SK S0K 3V0