Fire-Safe Holiday Seasonclick the link for safety tips

Christmas Tree Safety – The do’s of picking, placing and lighting the tree

Top Ten Winter Freeze Tipsclick the link for a checklist on heating devices this winter!

211 Saskatchewan. – Anyone can now call, text or search online for supports and services nearest them. 211 Supports Poster – 2019

Be Ready Tornado Safety

Tornado Safety Tips

Just a few ATV Tidbits for you…

Did you know….

~ you must be 16 years of age and hold a valid driver’s license to operate an ATV in any public area

~ youth between 12 and 15 can operate an ATV in public areas and may cross roads (but cannot drive on roads) if they have passed an approved ATV trailing course, or if they are supervised by someone who has held a driver’s license continuously for the full preceding year

~ you can drive an ATV on Crown land (except roads on Crown land), including highway right of ways (ditches)

~ you can only drive an ATV on the travelled portion of a road or street when :

i) A road/street authorized by a local bylaw

ii) A road/street authorized by the Highway Traffic Board

iii) When crossing a road/bridge ( unless prohibited by local bylaw or Highway Traffic Board)

~ to drive an ATV on private land, you need the permission of the land owner or occupant

~ approved helmet and eye wear are both legally required when operating or riding on ATVs in public areas

~ although an ATV cannot be registered, it must be insured with a $200,000 liability policy before it can be operated in public areas. The operator must produce proof of insurance when requested. Both the owner and the operator of the ATV are liable for any loss, damage or injury incurred when operating the vehicle

Saskatchewan All Terrain Vehicle Association is a great website for more information.


Winter Roof Collapse Hazards